Product description


Items Product NameGrade Af     range    Application
1Super-elastic Nitinol SE5085℃~15℃Antenna,    eyeglass frame, bra bracket, earphone cable, headset cable, paraglider,    parachute,fishing, cloth,etc
2Low temperature super-elastic   Nitinol NT-01<-30℃Antenna, fishing tackle wire, parachute,    etc
3Shape memory alloy nitinol 


20℃~40℃Earthquake resisting buliding, thermal    drive spring, temperature control element, etc
4Medical nitinolNT-yy-10℃~15℃Bone plate, stitching nail, medical    stent, orthodontic wire, medical guide wire, extractor, etc
5Narrow hysteresis nitinolNiTiCuAs-Ms≤5℃Thermal drive spring, temperature control element, etc
6Wide  hysteresis nitinolNiTiNbAs-Ms≤150℃Pipe joints, fastening rings, etc

2.Capability of size and shape


Diameter Range ∮6~∮200mm 

Diameter Tolerance: ±0.02mm

Surface:  polished; oxide  color;light oxide ,etc

②Nitinol rectangular rod/bar

Thickness Range 5~200mm

Thickness  Tolerance: ±0.03mm

Width range  5~200mm

Width Tolerance: ±0.03mm

Surface: polished; oxide color;light oxide ,etc

3. Brief  introduction of nitinol

Shape memory alloys also called SMA are  made of more than two metallic elements with shape memory effect (SME) through  thermoelasticity, martensitic transformation and its inversion. Shape memory  alloy has the best shape memory performance among shape memory materials.

So far, more than 50 kinds of alloys have  been found to have shape memory effects. There are many successful examples in  the field of aerospace applications.

The huge antennas on satellites could be  made of shape memory alloy. Before launching the satellite, the parabolic  antenna is folded and placed inside the satellite. After the rocket lifts off  to put the satellite into the orbit, it only needs to be heated. The folded  satellite antenna has the function of "memory" and naturally unfolds  to restore the shape of the paraboloid.

Product photos

Nitinol round & rectangular rod/bar
Nitinol round & rectangular rod/bar
Nitinol round & rectangular rod/bar

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